Don't have a program to manipulate your images yet?
Get a free one now then:

For Windows we recommend this program - it's free:
IrfanView danish language:

Alternative could be:
Mac, Unix and Windows:

Image formats
Use only jpg, gif or png format. Bmp is NOT suitable. (jpg format is recommended)
The resolution should not be more than 72 pix / inch and the size of largest image no more than 600x600 pixels

Moreover, the size (physical size) of the file is minimized as much as possible - a rule of thumb is that an image at the most must fill 80-100 kilobytes, and normally less than 30Kb is enough.

Image sizes
Setting display sizes:
BG Webshop: Go to MENU: Settings => C Advanced => Setup => Product Features => Pictures
Here you can set the sizes of:

• Heading Image, which is the image displayed in the upper right corner of most pages (Default: width 57 * height 40)
• Subcategory Image has each product group image features (default 100 * 57)
• Small Image, which is its smallest image - for boxing, lists etc. (Default 100 * 80)
• Medium Image in Lux and Multi appear on the product sheet (default 200 * 160)
• Large Image of Lux and Multi, which is displayed by clicking on the product sheet (default image natural size)

BG Webshop use image magic to make perfectly scaled miniatures of your images, so you don't have to create thumbnails or smaller versions.

Generally about the size of images you upload:
You should make it a rule that the images you upload have an appropriate pixel size!
The reason is that when a customer clicks on the product image to see a larger picture, the image appears to be the uploaded image.
Standard screen resolution is too vast majority of web users today at 1024x768px (width x height) or higher - and therefore a size on the images to following conceptual work / appear appropriate:

Max Width: 800px or Max Height: 450px

Product images:

BG Webshop: Go to MENU: Settings => C Advanced => Setup => Product Features => Hide/Show in Admin
Her you can add more image options if you need them:

Additional images:
You can add as many images to a product as you like, and there's several layout options avaiable for this purpose.

Back images:
If enabled it'll show 2 product images that have the same size but different content.
If you're using additional images then you'll get the best results if you don't use back images.

Triple images:
It is possible to set 3 different images that can be different or similar.
Typically it will be the same picture, but if you sell golf clubs or flagpoles, the small picture will be very misleading, and could usefully be replaced by the image detail.
If identical then leave the processing to the ImageMagic that generates thumbnails automatically and saves them in /images/thumbs/

Naming standards:
You should make it a habit that you name your folders and images with the following guidelines:

• Never use a national special characters (æ, ø and å)
• Spaces are banned - use the underscore (_) or hyphen (-)
Wrong: this image titel.jpg
Right: this_images_titel.jpg
• Do not name your images with the use of capital letters - servers distinguishes between Caps
Wrong: This_Image_Titel.jpg
Right: this_image_titel.jpg
• Use the item number as image name - it makes relationships more manageable.
• Allocation of names to folders should follow the same procedure as described above - because, the rules for these are the same.

Placing images
All product images goes into folder images/ that can be maintained by the shop's Image Manager.
We recommend that you start draw a structure, that reflects your category or manufacturer structure.

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