If you want to create a new style for the checkout_payment_address.php page, you can create a custom template of your choice and upload it to the themes/ The input fields for new shipping/payment address are coming from checkout_new_address.tpl, you can manage those section on that tpl. If you want to add some custom/local changes on that section, you can create a custom template of your choice and upload it to the themes/ If you want to add some custom/local changes in checkout_payment_address.php, you need to add a custom php file with name custom_tpl_checkout_payment_address.php in themes/functions/ folder where you can add the new changes and define those to a template variable. Also you should place that variable in themes/ We have a custom file custom_add.php in themes/functions/ folder which will be available for all files. If you want a new template variable for all the checkout section, you can define that on custom_add.php. |
Variables used in checkout_payment_address.tpl | |
{literal}{{/literal}$address_book_entries{literal}}{/literal} | To display the address book entries. |
{literal}{{/literal}$address_book_entries_heading{literal}}{/literal} | To display the heading for address book entries. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TABLE_HEADING_ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRIES in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$back_button_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the back button. |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_bar_confirmation_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the checkout bar text for confirmation. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define CHECKOUT_BAR_CONFIRMATION in corresponding |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_bar_delivery_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the checkout bar text for delivery information. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define CHECKOUT_BAR_DELIVERY in corresponding |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_bar_finished_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the checkout bar text for success. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define CHECKOUT_BAR_FINISHED in corresponding |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_bar_payment_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the checkout bar text for payment information. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define CHECKOUT_BAR_PAYMENT in corresponding |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_bullet_img{literal}}{/literal} | To display the bullet image on the checkout bar. The image is stored in images/checkout_bullet.gif. |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_new_address_input_fields{literal}}{/literal} | To display the input fields for making new payment address. These input fields are coming from checkout_new_address.tpl. |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_payment_address_category_image{literal}}{/literal} | This is the image showing on the right side on the {literal}{{/literal}$checkout_payment_address_page_heading{literal}}{/literal}. |
{literal}{{/literal}$checkout_payment_address_page_heading{literal}}{/literal} | To display the page heading of checkout success page. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define HEADING_TITLE in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$continue_checkout_procedure_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the text for continue checkout procedure. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TEXT_CONTINUE_CHECKOUT_PROCEDURE in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$continue_checkout_procedure_title{literal}}{/literal} | To display the title for continue checkout procedure. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TITLE_CONTINUE_CHECKOUT_PROCEDURE in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$current_payment_address{literal}}{/literal} | To display the current selected payment address. |
{literal}{{/literal}$east_south_arrow_img{literal}}{/literal} | To display the east south arrow image. The image is stored in images/ arrow_east_south.gif. |
{literal}{{/literal}$message_stack_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display errors or success messages if any, after the submitting the form. |
{literal}{{/literal}$new_payment_address_heading{literal}}{/literal} | To display the heading for new payment address. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PAYMENT_ADDRESS in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$new_payment_address_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the text for new payment address. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TEXT_CREATE_NEW_PAYMENT_ADDRESS in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$other_select_payment_destination_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the text for select other payment destination. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TEXT_SELECT_OTHER_PAYMENT_DESTINATION in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$payment_address_heading{literal}}{/literal} | To display the heading for payment address. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TABLE_HEADING_PAYMENT_ADDRESS in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$payment_address_title{literal}}{/literal} | To display the title for payment address. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TITLE_PAYMENT_ADDRESS in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$please_select_title{literal}}{/literal} | To display the title for please select. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TITLE_PLEASE_SELECT in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$selected_payment_destination_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the text for selected payment destination. The data of this can be change by changing the value of define TEXT_SELECTED_PAYMENT_DESTINATION in checkout_payment_address.php language file. |
{literal}{{/literal}$south_east_arrow_img{literal}}{/literal} | To display the south east arrow image. The image is stored in images/arrow_south_east.gif. |
{literal}{{/literal}$submit_button_text{literal}}{/literal} | To display the submit button. |