1) custom_add.php - This content reads into shop-side application_top.
custom_add_admin.php - That will be read into the admin side.
Resellers/customers can create or add new variables (general data) for their tpls.
Eg : If our shop support multiple language and we need to add a new text like
“Welcome Guest(english) / Velkommen gæst!(Danish) ” in it. First step will be
those language values inserted to the database. Next step is assigning that to a variable
$welcome_text = TEXT_WELCOME_USER;
Then you can call on the tpl file like {$welcome_text} where to be displayed.
2) custom_header_tpl.php – read into includes/header.php
Resellers/customers can create or add new variables related to the header for their
3) custom_footer_tpl.php – read into includes/footer.php
Resellers/customers can create or add new variables related to the footer for their
4) custom_products.php - read into product_info.php
Resellers/customers can create or add new variables related to the products for
their tpls.
5) Custom_filenames.php – read into application_top.php
Resellers/customers can define new filename with the currently used define variable.
As a result customer can create custom version of that file.
For eg: If you add a code like
define('FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO', 'bg_product_info.php'); in
custom_files.php. Now in FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO you will have the local
6) general_bg.php - read into includes/functions/general.php
Resellers/customers can create or add new general functions to their application
7) custom_tracker.php - read into checkout_success.php
Resellers/customers can add new tracking systems for different banner and portal
systems to their site.
8) quicklinks.php - read into shop_admin/index.php
Customers/Resellers can make their own links on their site. It shown on the admin’s
index page under the section ‘Shortcuts’.
9) custom_invoice_tpl.php – called in application_top.php can be used to include new
content for invoices . This will allow separation from custom_add where general data
can be added .
10) custom_tpl_[FILANAME] – called in application_top.php add content to any file
using a template with filename .
For example if new content needs to be added to articles.php then a
custom_tpl_articles.php can be added into include/modules/themes/functions and will
be included in the file before the rest of the content .
11) custom_products_listing.php - read into modules/product_listing.php and modules/product_listing_col.php
Resellers/customers can create or add new variables related to the products listing section for their tpls. We are using 2 types of product listing mode
a)row – product_listing.tpl
b)column – product_listing_col.tpl