Getting started Wizard.
When you've logged in to BG Webshop for the first time, we show you 4 pages that contains the essentials for making this your shop.
If you need help with the fields then hold your mouse over the short help icon:
You can also click on the Help icon for help on all the pages.
Page 1 is used for changing your admin account, so it's different from our default thats created during installation.
Page 2 contains all the information needed for your shop name, address and other information.
The information entered here will also show on your Contact us page.
Page 3 contains settings that mainly concerns your shops startpage (index.php).
Page 4 is important for those using Firefox, Opera or other browsers than Internet Explorer.
The editor used by default in BG Webshop isn't working with these browsers, so you should select FCK Editor instead.
RHS(Remote Help System) language determines the language for all Help texts - some help is only written in english, but you see the DK version where possible.